Non - Asbestos Gasket

What are the Features of Gasket Sheets?

What are the Features of Gasket Sheets?

Gasket sheet materials are sealants used for applications across chemical plants, refineries, thermal applications, etc. The design, materials and the quality of the gasket material will determine the performance of the gasket. In today’s market, you will find different types of gaskets like graphite gaskets, silicone rubber gaskets, spiral wound gasket, PTFE gasket and others. Let’s take a closer look at the features of some of the high-performance gaskets produced using high-quality non-asbestos gasket sheets. Graphite gaskets Most of the graphite [...]

Asbestos VS Non - Asbestos Gasket

Asbestos VS Non – Asbestos Gasket

Gaskets are essential components utilized as sealants for various industrial purposes. In the gaskets industry, gasket manufacturers who provide an alternative of asbestos gaskets are preferred these days. The reason being the hazardous nature of asbestos. Non-asbestos manufacturers provide non-asbestos gasket sheets with similar strength for fulfilling the gasket specifications for a number of applications. Why non-asbestos gaskets have been introduced? Asbestos gaskets have been used in the industry for several years. The raising concerns about health hazards due to asbestos [...]